Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Squee's third day.

Was actually on the 25th.
I feel like maybe I should go and redate all the posts so that I can do a day by day instead of playing catch up. Or maybe I should just post a couple more posts today just to get everything up to date!


The third day with Squee was the day after our adventure to PetCo to buy powdered KMR. Which was expensive, the smallest can they had was $23! Yikes! But our first day with Squee we'd bought the already liquid KMR. $7 for a can that we could only use for 48 hrs and hardly used any of. >.> Yikes!

One of the cats takes particular interest to watching Squee in his/er tupperware container of a nest. Indeed he managed to bat the container onto it's top end before I startled awake to check on Squee! Thankfully Squee was fine, fast asleep like s/he hadn't even noticed the upset.

Squee gets more energetic and lively each day! Forgive my sitting around in my pajama pants in this video, it was raining that night and so the house was cold. Squee is yes, a Squee-rito ((like a baby gets to be a baby burrito when bundled, Squee becomes Squee-rito!)) while I fed him/er.

I did research last night over if Squee is really a mouse and attempted to figure out Squee's gender.

What I did find/figure out is that Squee is a field mouse, but gender I'm still unsure of. It's hard to tell when they're so teeny!

Once I know of course I will update so everyone else can know too.

Not much that day with Squee. A simple day at home, eating, getting bathed, walking around my hands and being super cute.

Stay tuned for more cuteness, pictures, videos and notes on Squee!

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