Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Squee's Goes on an Trip!

Aka, I had to go pick up the kids out of state at my ex-husbands house. I couldn't imagine the idea of leaving Squee home THAT long.

We were gone for nearly 3 hours total. Squee had gotten hungry and ate about 25 minutes before we had to eave, so armed with the car heat turned on and Squee's food we set out to get the kids.

No, I didn't drive and attempt to care for Squee. My ex (not ex-h) did the drive, while I kept Squee's home/nest on my knee close to one of the vents so s/he had warmth.

yesterday was a miserably cold and rainy day here, even made the house cold and had Squee crying! Awwwww :( )

It just wasn't happening to leave Squee alone knowing that we'd be gone awhile and all that. 
The photo above is Squee in his/er home. The little squished thing at the bottom is yes, Squee! You can see his/er little hand there too right near his/er head!

Squee didn't appear to mind the trip at all. Once s/he's bigger I'll be able to have him/er in a proper cage in order to stay at home because s/he'll be able to eat on his/er own then.

I really can't wait to be able to use the correct gender instead of having to write s/he and him/er! 

My oldest two really wanted to spend some time caring for Squee. So once I went to bed for the night, I left Squee, some prepared food, the cleaned eye-dropper and the heating pad down with them as they slept on the sofa's in the tv room. 

Aside from needing a bit more of a bath than they knew to give, Squee fared fine under the care of his/er big sisters! <3

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