Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Waah >.>

I am so sorry I have sucked at updating this.

Squee is doing fantastic. Ears all the way open, eyes all the way open, super energetic and she loves to climb all over you.

Yesterday, she got her very first real cage! It's pink and pretty darn tall! Her first water bottle too. Though she still drinks half a dropper of the KMR, she seems to be weaning.

She loves pineapple, almond slivers, strawberry, apple, lettuce leaf, dried out bread pieces too!

Today I got a different wheel for her cage because she wasn't seeming to like the plastic one that came with it. It's purple and adorable, even if I was hoping for a pink one to match the cage. Ahhh well...

Today we bought her a companion too. A white mouse named Pikachu. Who... by size comparison is flipping HUGE compared to Squee... but she was still the second smallest one in the tank at Petco that was female.

The first smallest one was a jumper, we didn't realize until she jumped from my hand, ran under something, and when retrieved was acting really sickly.. didn't move.. and... had to be quarantined in the back :( I'm so sad that I couldn't catch her in time, and that something happened that made her... seem like she was going to die of a poor mousey heart attack!

Pika also doesn't seem to have much in the way of whiskers! Which is strange because Squee's whiskers are awesomely puffy! I wonder if that's the difference between field mouse and your standard bred mouse from a pet store?

I went to four different pet stores between Sunday and Today and didn't really find any that would work too well for Squee. Perhaps I should have gotten a smaller one from the place that had some where their eyes and ears were just starting to open... but.. I still had errands to do, and I didn't want to risk leaving a baby in a burning hot car or taking her into a clothes shop just to be asked to leave. -_-;

I was told by the Petco rodent lady that a drop of Vanilla on the back of their necks would help them not fight because then they'd "smell the same."

Squee went crazy trying to clean Pikachu a few times. Pika just mostly chilled and allowed it, but at other times walked away in a way that seemed 'yeah, whatever can I go explore now?'

Pika loves to climb all over the cage, even upside down up on the ceiling. Both of them love the plastic house that is on the third level (second platform up from the bottom of the cage,) but Squee still sleeps in her sock currently and Pika is asleep in the cardboard tube covered with a sock that my oldest made for Squee to play in.

I have their food on something on the 2nd level, water they can get from the main level, and aside from that there is tons of room for the two of them to play.

Pika is more calm to hold, but she is also an adult compared with Squee who is for sure not.

Squee will be calm to hold, when she isn't playing jungle gym that is. She'll eat, all nice and calm, then run around you like crazy and seems to have fun. She did lay down in my hand and just chill a bit while I pet her and sang to her this evening. It appears that Squee is a fan of Hamasaki Ayumi's "BRILLANTE."

Or just me singing. Hard to tell really.

Ohhh my goodness!!

I just went to check on them and .... Squee is sleeping with Pika!! They're cuddled up together in the tube!! AHH!! It's so cute! I'm so happy that Squee seems more lively now with a friend!

^_^;; it's almost 1 AM! Ohhh.
I will get pictures/video up tomorrow of Pika and Squee so people can see. >.> Sorry for being a slacker!

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